Tikiøb Event and FUSION Sportswear

We have recently entered a collaborative agreement with the Danish sportswear manufacturer, FUSION Sportswear from Aalborg in Denmark.

We produce top of the line 1:1 events and have done so since 1993. Today, cycling and physical activity makes up a large part of our product line-up. When the opportunity presented itself, it became very obvious to us, to start a collaboration with one of the absolute leading manufacturers in technical sportswear. FUSION Sportswear is today a first-mover when it comes to developing technical sportswear to the absolute elite. Clothing made in Denmark and produced in Europe. Sustainability remains a top-priority for the North Jutland company, which is why the products are also Oeko-Tex certified.

The Exerciser and the Ex-Pro

This agreement means that pointing forward we will be product ambassadors for FUSION Sportswear, and with that, work and cycle in clothing from their collection. We are very excited about this, and the winter clothes have just arrived here at the office. Not only are we going to cycle and work in it, but we are also going to test it under extreme conditions. We know what the elite cyclists demand and we know what the exerciser expects. That is why we have been asked to express our opinion. In this office we have both the experienced exerciser and the ex-pro cyclist, so we stand ready for the task and are excited to represent the strong brand.

Cycling events to the demanding exerciser

The agreement also means that, moving forward, we will work together to organize and run a series of high-end cycling events for the demanding cycling exerciser. Our first two collective events will be our training camp in March, at Calpe on the Spanish Costa Blanca coast, and the Schleck Gran Fondo cycling race in Luxembourg in May. Finally, we also have a spectacular cycling adventure to the Ardennes, again a former pro grand fondo race, Claudy Criquelion in Wallonie, where the small climbs and roads make a spectacular scenario and experience together with FUSION Sportswear.

Not a new acquaintance

This agreement between us is rather new, but the relations are well established. Christian Moberg has in his active cycling career been driving in FUSION Sportswear cycling clothes for several seasons, and for that reason, he has a close familiarity to the North Jutland company and their products. Likewise, he knows exactly what is needed when it counts, at the front of the elite field.


Tikiøb Event og FUSION Sportswear

Vi har netop indgået en samarbejdsaftale med den danske sportstøjsproducent FUSION Sportswear fra Aalborg.

Vi producerer 1:1 events fra den øverste hylde og har gjort det siden 1993. I dag fylder cykling og fysisk aktivitet også en del i vores produktprogram. Da muligheden bød sig, var det derfor helt oplagt for os at starte samarbejde med en af de absolutte stærkeste producenter inden for teknisk sportsbeklædning. FUSION Sportswear er i dag first-mover på udvikling af teknisk sportstøj til den absolutte elite. Tøj der skabes i Danmark og produceres i Europa. Bæredygtigt er endvidere top-prioritet for den Nordjyske virksomhed, derfor er produkterne også Oeko-Tex certificeret.

Motionisten og ex-proffen

Aftalen betyder at vi fremadrettet vil være produktambassadører for FUSION Sportswear og dermed arbejde og cykle i tøj fra deres kollektioner. Det glæder vi os meget over og vintertøjet er netop ankommet her på kontoret. Ikke nok med at vi skal cykle og arbejde i det til hverdag vi skal også teste det under ekstreme forhold. Vi ved hvad eliterytterne kræver og vi ved hvad motionisterne forventer. Derfor er vi blevet bedt om at give vores mening tilkende. Her på kontoret har vi både den erfarne motionist og ex-prof rytteren. Så vi er klar til opgaven og glæder os til at repræsentere det stærke brand.

Cykelevents til den krævende motionist

Aftalen betyder også at vi fremadrettet skal samarbejde om at tilrettelægge og afvikle en række highend cykelevent for den krævende cykelmotionist. Vores to første fælles arrangementer vil være vores træningslejr til marts ved Calpe på den spanske Costa Blanca kyst og Schleck Gran Fondo cykelløbet i Luxembourg til maj. Endelig har vi også et spektakulær cykel-eventyr på tegnebrættet som vi ser meget frem til at udvikle og forædle i selskab med FUSION Sportswear.

Ikke et nyt bekendtskab

Aftalen mellem os er ganske ny men relationerne er veletablerede. Christian Moberg har i sin aktive cykelkarriere kørt i FUSION Sportswears cykeltøj i flere sæsoner og har derfor også et indgående kendskab til den nordjyske virksomhed og produkterne. Samtidig ved han også præcis hvad der skal til når det gælder helt fremme i elitefeltet.